Exhibition loan
The Biblioteca de Catalunya collaborates in exhibitions organized by other institutions providing documents temporary. This is a way of make known its most valuable collections. This temporal loan is made under criteria and regulations that guarantee the cure and preservation of heritage. To request documents the "Exhibition loan policy" must be signed and sent by mail, together with application form filled, to expos@bnc.cat
- Exhibition loan policy [ PDF ]
- Request of works in loan for exhibitions [ PDF ]
Current exhibitions with documents of the Biblioteca de Catalunya
FLASH BURSTS, 90's. The contribution of the artists to the art fund of the Avui newspaper.
Organizes: Museu d'Art de Girona.
Place: Museu d'Art - Girona
Document loan from 02/03/2024 to 02/02/2025 Link to exhibition
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HOSPITALITAS: La gracia del encuentro / A graza do encontro
Organizes: Fundación Las edades del hombre i Catedral de Santiago
Place: Monasterio de San Martín Pinario. Catedral de Santiago de Compostela.
Document loam from 12/06/2024 to 30/11/2024 Link to exhibition
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ADOLF FARGNOLI (1890-1951). Del Noucentisme a l'avantguarda
Organizes: Fundació Rafael Masó i Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC)
Place: MNAC
Document loam from 13/06/2024 to 20/10/2024 Link to exhibition
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NAZARIO. Art i dissidència en temps de repressió i alliberament.
Organizes: Museu d'Art de Cerdanyola (MAC) i màster de Gestió i Anàlisi del Patrimoni Artístic de la UAB
Place: Museu d'Art de Cerdanyola. Can Domènech.
Document loam from 28/06/2024 to 27/10/2024 Link to exhibition
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MARI CHORDÀ...y muchas otras cosas.
Organizes: Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA)
Place: MACBA
Document loam from 04/07/2024 to 12/01/2025 Link to exhibition
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COLLECTING IN THE COLONY. The Baux/Núñez de Prado collection
Organizes: Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món (MUECBC)
Place: MUECBC - Montcada
Document loam from 04/07/2024 to 31/12/2024 Link to exhibition
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JORGE SEMPRÚN. The long voyage.
Organizes: Ministerio de Cultura y Acción Cultural Española (AC/E)
Place: Archivo de la Corona de Aragón (ACA) - Barcelona. From 12/07/2024 to 04/11/2024
Place: Centro Documental de la Memoria Historica (CDMH) - From 28/11/2024 to 23/02/2025 Link to exhibition
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ERNEST MORADELL. Pioner del disseny gràfic.
Organizes: Ajuntament de Palamós. Àrea de Patrimoni. Museu de la Pesca
Place: Capella del Carme. Espai d’Art Ezequiel Torroella
From 19/07/2024 to 13/10/2024 Link to exhibition
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FRANCESC DOMINGO. De Sant Just a Sâo Paulo
Organizes: Fundació Vila-Casas.
Place: Espai Volart
From 16/09/2024 to 19/01/2025 Link to exhibition
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LA BARCELONA DE DALÍ. Un reportatge fotogràfic
Organizes: Museu Diocesà de Barcelona
Place: Museu Diocesà de Barcelona
From 03/10/2024 to 01/12/2024 Link to exhibition
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COSSOS QUE PARLEN. La representació del cos en les autores del còmic, 1910-2022
Organizes: Diputació de Barcelona. ITINERANT - (2nd part)
Place: Muxart, Espai d'Art i Creació Contemporanis de Martorell
From 04/10/2024 to 12/01/2025 Link to exhibition
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