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MARC Office

It was created in 2000 after recommendations by the Comissió Assessora de Catalogació of the Biblioteca de Catalunya. Its work covers two main fields: MARC formats and Dublin Core.



  • De CATMARC a MARC21. Subcomissió per al Canvi de Format.Informative brochure that had a look on the MARC format at Catalonia, and drew an outline on what the change to MARC21 would mean.

MARC Formats

They are standards to represent and communicate bibliographic information and related, in machine readable format. The Office translates, adapts and updates the MARC21 format.

MARC publications

Dublin Core

Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) promotes the development of interoperable metadata standards that support a broad range of purposes and business models.

Publications (DC translations)

Contact details

Joan Saez