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Towards RDA

In 2014, the Comissió Assessora de Catalogació of the Biblioteca de Catalunya was agreed to create the Subcomissió Tècnica (a technical sub-commission) to carryout the transition process with the purpose of planning and making diffusion of the change along 2015, and begin the implementation in 2016.

In this same context of the change towards RDA, in 2016, the Libraries Service of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Library Services Management Office of the Diputació de Barcelona, the Libraries, Information and Documentacion Area of the CSUC and the Bibliographic Standardization Service of the Biblioteca de Catalunya, as a coordinator,  has been working together to bring closer their catalographic practices; this report contains their conclusions and agreements.

This website contains current information about the implementation of RDA in Catalonia  as well as the development and implementation of RDA worldwide. Catalonia professionals can discuss, share information and ask questions via Let's talk!