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Self-service copies with mobile devices

Readers of the Library of Catalonia may use their own mobile devices to obtain work reproductions of documents from the collections of the Library. Reproductions with cameras or scanners are not allowed.

Reproductions must be made solely for purposes of research. For any other use (publishing, advertising or public communication, on paper or digital, including the use of social networks and Internet) you should contact the Reprographic Service of the Library.

Before making reproductions you should request authorization to the staff at the information desks, which will assess whether the document meets the conditions to be reproduced by this system. In the case that the conservation state of the document indicates so, you must request the reproduction at the Reprographic Service of the Library.

The reproduction and use of images must respect the copyright laws. In the case of documents in copyright you can only copy a certain number of pages, which should be indicated beforehand.

Instructions for using the self-service copies

  • Please indicate with a marker (you can ask for them at the desk) the pages you want to reproduce.
  • Ask the staff at the information desks in the Rare Books Room and the General Room if the document you want to copy meets the necessary conditions.
  • If so, please fill out the form that will be provided to you with the document data, the pages you need and commitment of use for research.
  • Handle documents with care and respect copyright laws.