Books for entities. Service of delivery of BC’s duplicates.
The BC offers books duplicates to organizations without commercial purpose (libraries, schools, civic and social centres, nursing homes, ...)
Use conditions
- Requests will be processed in order of arrival.
- Organizations petitioners will carry out transport of documents.
An access code is needed to use this service
- Request of access code
- Check your requests
- If you have forgotten your access code or password you can request a reminder. You must enter the email address you reported when you applied for the code. We will send the access code, along with a new password. Please follow the instructions provided in order to activate the account again.
Complete list of titles available:
Gross-Brüssel und Umgebung. Barcelona: Escudo de Oro: 1992.
Cançoner de Nadal. Barcelona: La Galera: 1993.
Valls, Xavier. El Gran llibre de la por : 20 + 1 relats per a tremolar. Barcelona: Parramon: 2005.
Ferrón, Miquel. Aerógrafo. Barcelona: Parramon: 1998.
Cuentos maravillosos Océano. Barcelona: Océano: 1997.
Grandes biografías. Barcelona: Océano: 1992.
Mann, Thomas. La Montaña mágica. Barcelona: Edhasa: 2005.
Weis, Margaret. El Templo de Istar. Barcelona: Timun Mas: 1994.
Grillparzer, Marion. Tabla del índice glucémico de los alimentos: elije y combina los alimentos para perder peso sin contar calorías. L'Hospitalet: Hispano Europea: 2006.
Asensi, Matilde. El Salón de ámbar. Barcelona: Planeta: 2006.
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