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Arxiu Joan Maragall

The former residence of the poet Joan Maragall (Barcelona, 1860-1911) houses the Arxiu Joan Maragall, a section of the Biblioteca de Catalunya addressed to researchers on the writer and Modernism. The Arxiu Joan Maragall is house-museum as well, and is ready to carry out visits to various rooms and chambers where the popular poet of  the "living word" spent the last twelve years of his life. The Arxiu contains:

Façana de l'Arxiu Joan Maragall

- Autograph manuscripts of the poetic work
- Letters, most originals and some of them photocopied (all of them about a thousand)
- Originals of his poetic work (more than a hundred), prologues, speeches and announcements, newspaper articles, old and current, translations done by Maragall himself and drafts.
- The poet’s personal library.
- Biographical studies
- Editions of his work (300 pieces)

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Haidé. Estudis maragallians. Butlletí de l'Arxiu Joan Maragall

Haidé is a periodic contribution to the studies on Joan Maragall and a platform to propose reflections, analysis and points of view about the cultural, literary and artistic activities that characterized the decades of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
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núm. 0 (2011)

núm. 1 (2012)

núm. 8 (2019)

núm. 2 (2013)

núm. 3 (2014)

núm. 9 (2020)

núm. 4 (2015)

núm. 5 (2016)

núm. 10 (2021)

núm. 6 (2017)

núm. 7 (2018)

núm. 11 (2022)

núm. 12 (2023)




Guided tours and Teaching

General tours are held Monday and Wednesday from 10 to 14 h and Wednesday from 16 to 20h. Request of guided tours

Specific tours for Secondary and High School students are held every Monday and Wednesday from 9 to 14 h. Request of teaching


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Digitized collections

Joan Maragall, el poeta de la "paraula viva" (specialized web in Joan Maragall and updated by the Archive)

The Arxiu Joan Maragall section manages them.

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