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Cooperation and Projects

Literary Heritage. Collaboration between the Library of Catalonia and the Institution of Catalan Letters for promoting the recovery of the personal papers of Catalan writers and its conservation at the Library of Catalonia; and giving advise to the authors about good practices for the organization and conservation of their own papers as well.
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Patrimoni d'Editors i Editats de Catalunya. Open portal that promotes the preservation and discovery of the publishing heritage, giving access to the collections and archives of publishers and authors, contributing to the internationalization of Catalan heritage and culture through its cultural industries and guaranteeing the historical edition for future publications.
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ARCA (Arxiu de Revistes Catalanes Antigues). Open portal giving access to relevant journals and magazines for the history of Catalonia which are no longer published. It is a collaborative repository promoted by the Biblioteca de Catalunya with the support of the Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC).
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Memòria Digital de Catalunya (MDC). Cooperative repository led by the Biblioteca de Catalunya and the Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya (CSUC) giving access to journals and magazines, manuscripts, pictures, maps, ex-libris, personal papers.
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Premsa Catalana Digitalitzada. Web application that includes Catalan magazines and newspapers with digitized versions in progress or already published, based on contributions from various institutions.
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Transcriu-me!!!.  Initiative of collaboration (crowdsourcing) to improve access to digital content published by the Biblioteca de Catalunya. The Biblioteca digitizes historical documents and manuscripts and you transcribe them online.
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PADICAT (Patrimoni Digital de Catalunya). Information system that aims to collect, to process and to provide permanent access to the archive of Catalan web sites. The project has the collaboration of the CESCA (Centre de Serveis Científics i Acadèmics de Catalunya).
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COFRE (Conservem per al Futur Recursos Electrònics). Digital preservation system of the Biblioteca de Catalunya where are stored the digital documents resulting from the digitization of analogical originals and born digital documents on the Internet or in other media from the library collection. The system applies a series of preservation rutines in order to guarantee the survival of stored objects and ensure their accessibility and interpretation over time.

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CANTIC (Catàleg d'autoritats de noms i títols de Catalunya). Authority national file led by the Biblioteca de Catalunya. It is based on the bibliographic catalogue CCUC (Catàleg Col·lectiu de les Universitats de Catalunya) to which the Biblioteca de Catalunya contributes.
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VIAF (Virtual International Authority File). Joint project of several national libraries, managed by the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC). The aim is to link national authority catalogues in a single file of authorities. The data are available online for research and exchange of data.
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Catàleg col·lectiu del patrimoni Bibliogràfic de Catalunya (CCPBC). Union catalogue started in 1983 to catalogue, preserve and make diffusion of the Catalan bibliographic heritage. Since 1992  its records form also part of the union catalogue of bibliographic heritage of the Spanish state, who every year contributes financially to it through the Ministry of Culture of Spain. 
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Books from the BC at Google Books. Massive digitization of books in public domain belonging to several Catalan libraries, led by the Biblioteca de Catalunya.
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Europeana. European portal to cultural heritage from libraries, museums, archives and memory institutions around Europe.
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Mapa Literari Català. Web application of Espais Escrits that allows to consult different points of the world geography with texts of associated Catalan Literature.
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CERL Thesaurus.Thesaurus managed by the Consortium of European Research Libraries. It includes several catalogues of European authorities. It contains data relating to place names, organizations, printers and authors  between 1450 and 1830. It is one of the major tools available online for researchers of ancient book.
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RACO (Revistes Catalanes d'Accés Obert). Cooperative repository where the full-text from articles of scientific, cultural and erudite Catalan journals can be consulted, in open access.
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Arxiu audiovisual de poetes. Initiative of the Associació Col·legial d'Escriptors de Catalunya (ACEC) sponsored by Cedro, which aims to preserve the historical memory of contemporary poetry by recording poetry readings by the authors themselves. There are only five copies of each audiovisual, four of them are freeing available at the following centers: ACEC itself, the Residencia de Estudiantes de Madrid, the Biblioteca de Catalunya, and Cedro. The fifth one goes to the author or his heirs. 
The Arxiu audiovisual de poetes at the catalogue of the BC

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Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes. Initiative led by the Universitat d'Alacant to promote the digitization of documents with high bibliographic and heritage value that belong to the BC and other libraries.
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Matriz. Iniciativa dels membres de la Comisión de Archivos Sonoros de l’Asociación Española de Documentación Musical (AEDOM). Es tracta d'una base de dades cooperativa sobre catàlegs discogràfics espanyols publicats fins l’any 1959 i que es localitzen en biblioteques, arxius i museus d’Espanya. Inclou catàlegs de tot tipus de suports sonors (cilindres, discos,  rotlles de pianola...). La Biblioteca de Catalunya en forma part des del seu plantejament inicial.
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