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Interlibrary loan

Information for BC card holders

Information for users of other libraries

Information for libraries and external institutions

Informacition for BC card holders 


This service allows readers with a valid library card to request documents that are not available at the Biblioteca de Catalunya or at other Catalan universities through the free consortia loan service (PUC). All requests, always for research purposes, can be processed between libraries in Catalonia, Spain or abroad. 

→ If you do not have a valid card but you wish to request documents from other libraries and consult them at the Biblioteca de Catalunya, go to the section How to get a card



If you are using this service for the first time, even if you already have a BC card, you will have to register. You will receive your password in less than 24 hours (working days).

If you have previously used the interlibrary loan service, it is possible that the BC has already registered you, you can check this by entering your e-mail address and clicking on "Remember password".

You can also access from the BC catalogue/subcatalogue CCUCC/PUC, by clicking on the "Interlibrary Loan" button, by filling in this form or by accessing it from the University Union Catalogue of Catalonia. In this case, you will have to select the Biblioteca de Catalunya to access the service.

Materials you can order

Any type of material and format that is not in the BC or available in other Catalan universities through the PUC service (consortial borrowing). Each library has its own lending policy and therefore some materials may be excluded from circulation, such as reserve collections, fragile and/or valuable materials, reference works, periodicals, and manuscript theses. If lending is not possible, you may request a reproduction of some pages instead of the original document. 

How to request a document?

If you access from the Interlibrary Loan platform, you must enter your e-mail address and password. See the "Access" section.

When you are logged in, click on "Order a document".

Please enter as much information as possible to facilitate the processing of the application. It is important to include the ISSN or ISBN and the year of publication in the application. If you do not know the year you can put a question mark.

We will inform you of the cost of the request before submitting it.

If you already know the price and you agree, you can indicate in the notes field the amount you accept directly.

If you access directly from the catalogue icon, the data is automatically entered once you are logged in.

Delivery time

The waiting time depends on the institution from which the book is requested. On average, documents requested from a library member of the University Union Library of Catalonia take less than 7 days. Those from other Spanish libraries can take between 15 and 30 days, which can be longer in the case of foreign libraries. This time does not depend on the CB and can in no case be guaranteed.

In the case of the reproduction of journal articles or parts of books transmitted electronically, the deadline is reduced. In this case the time of receipt will depend on the means of delivery used by the supplying library.

We will notify you by e-mail when the material is available.

Collection and payment

The original documents must be consulted exclusively within the Biblioteca de Catalunya premises. The cost varies and depends on the rates of the institution where the document is requested. 



From CSUC members libraries

From libraries of the Public Reading System of Catalonia 

1 €

From associated libraries and collaborators of CSUC and public libraries of Spain

9 €

From Catalog Network University Libraries REBIUN


From foreign libraries

Depending on the borrower (minimum 16€ usually 24€-32 €)



From CSUC members, associated an collaborators libraries

0.15 € (per page) + 1 € handling fee

From Spanish libraries

7-9 € (per article)

From foreign libraries

Depending on the borrower (usually 7€-10€ per article)

When the document arrives at the BC we will notify you by e-mail.

Interlibrary loan documents are collected at the general desk.

There we will give you the invoice that you will have to pay at the Reprography desk and then you will be able to consult the document.

Consult the timetables and updated calendar on the website.

In the case of reproductions received on paper, the procedure is similar. You will be notified by e-mail of the arrival and you can collect the material and make payment at the reprography desk. In the case of digital reproductions, we will send you an estimate in advance and when we receive your payment we will provide you with the reproductions by e-mail.

Consultation and lending conditions 

The documents must be consulted at the Biblioteca de Catalunya. The loan period will depend on the library providing the service.


For more information, please contact preferably by e-mail or by telephone on 932 702 730 (ext. 84013163/3164).


Information for users of other libraries


If you want to request a document from the BC collection and consult it in your reference library, you cannot request it as a private user. It is your library that must make the request directly, according to the conditions established in the section Information for external libraries and centres. The BC will deal directly with your library, not with you


Information for libraries and external centres


The Biblioteca de Catalunya lends documents from its collection to other institutions that need them for research purposes. 


Access link: 

If you are accessing the service for the first time, you will have to register using the centre registration form. You will receive your password within 24 hours (working days).

If you have previously used the interlibrary loan service, it is possible that the BC has already registered your institution. You can check this by entering the centre's e-mail address and clicking on "Remember password".

You can also access from the BC catalogue by clicking on the "Interlibrary Loan" button, by filling in this form or from the Collective Catalogue of the Universities of Catalonia.

Materials you can order

Any document appearing in the Explore the BC catalogue with the "On loan" lending policy. The works excluded from lending and indicated in the catalogue as "not on loan" are:

· All works printed or published before 1901.

· All the works from the BC's reserve collections and the Arxiu Maragall.

· All works of historical, artistic or craft value.

· Periodical publications (newspapers, magazines, bulletins, etc.).

· Large-format books and magazines (folio and broadsheet).

· Documents recorded on off-market, fragile or special media (microform, vinyl, Betamax videos...).

· General reference works (encyclopaedias, dictionaries, etc.) and the open access collection.

· For works printed between 1901 and 1958, all works of which there is no record of a duplicate, and for works of Catalan bibliography after 1958, all works of which there is no record of a duplicate. In the case of works from legal deposit, reprints and duplicates of CD, video and DVD legal deposit may be loaned.

· Documents not belonging to the above categories which, in the opinion of CB staff, need to be specially preserved because of their physical condition.

  • All the items from special and rare collections and from Arxiu Maragall.
  • All the items with historical, artistic or handmade value.
  • The newspapers and periodicals.
  • Big items Folio and GFolio size.
  • Scores and illustrated items with coloured plates, or with accompanying materials (CDROM, etc)
  • Recorded materials in supports not for sale anymore, fragile or specials (microfiches, Vinyl, Betamax)
  • Reference works as encyclopaedias, dictionaries…
  • All the items printed between 1901 and 1958 without second copy.
  • All the items from the Catalan bibliographic production published after 1958, or those without second copy. But the re-prints and copies of CD, videos and DVD’s from the Legal Deposit are circulating materials.

How to petition

If you access from the Interlibrary Loan platform, you must enter the centre's e-mail address and password. See access.

Once you are logged in, click on "Order a document".

Please enter as much information as possible to facilitate the processing of your request. It is important to include the ISSN or ISBN and the year of publication. If you do not know the year you can put a question mark. We will inform you of the cost of the request before submitting it. If you already know the price and you agree, you can indicate in the comments field/notes the amount you accept directly. If you access directly from the catalogue icon, the data will be incorporated automatically once you have logged in. You can also access by filling in this form.

Delivery time 

The BC undertakes to process requests for reproduction and interlibrary loan within 3 working days and to report any possible incidents. The documents are sent by courier to the member institutions of CSUC to the libraries of the Public Reading System of Catalonia and by post to the rest of the institutions. 

Tarifes y pagament

See all prices




Lend by the BC

10,00 €


Requested by the BC

1,00 € + shipping fees + supplier centre invoice

1,00 € + shipping fees + supplier centre invoice


Exempt from the application of interlibrary loan rates, loans of BC materials requested by CSUC libraries and the Public library system which have bag service and for IEC for their research programs.

For all other institutions, payment by Visa, Mastercard or Maestro credit card, bank transfer or money order is accepted. IFLA Vouchers are also accepted.

Consultation and lending conditions 

The loan period is 30 calendar days from the date of check-out, extendable for a further 30 days. The requesting library must return the documents within this period, duly packaged. The user can request an extension from his/her library before the loan period expires.

The requesting library is responsible for the documents borrowed by the BC and that the document does not leave its premises.

In case of loss or theft 

theft If documents are not returned due to loss or theft, or if they are returned in poor condition, the borrower must replace them with other copies of the same edition. If the documents are out of print, they must be replaced by copies of similar characteristics. Until this is done, documents may not be borrowed


For more information, please contact preferably by e-mail or by telephone on 932 702 730 (ext. 84013163/3164).