Collection of historical commercial catalogs of sound recordings
Collection of catalogs of commercial companies that, at the beginning of the 20th century, edited or distributed the first sound recordings: wax cylinders, pianola rolls, 78 rpm discs. Some of those catalogs are available at the Memoria Digital de Catalunya (MDC)
Sound discs catalogs (78 rpm) before 1901, and of wax cylinders. Stands out the Catálogo of the Sociedad Fonográfica Española Hugens y Acosta
Acces: Room reservation
Scope: 1899-1900
Origin: Donation
Origin date: 2004
Piano rolls catalogs published by Aeolian, Animatic (Hupfeld), Armonic-Rolls, Diana, Edition Musicale Perforée, ERA, España Musical (Cosmos), Ideal, Pleyela, Princesa, Victoria i Welte-Mignon, the first decades of the twentieth century
Acces: Room reservation
Scope: 1918-1929
Origin: Donation
Origin date: 1998-
Sound discs catalogs (78 rpm) published by the record companies Amphion, Anthologie sonore, La Boîte à musique, Chant du monde, Classic, Columbia, Decca, Delphi, Edison, Festival, Fonotype, Goodson, Gramophone, Lumen, Odeón, Parlophon , Pathé, Telefunken and Victor, between 1905 and 1953. It also includes the general catalogs.
Acces: Room reservation
Scope: 1905-1953
Origin: Donation
Origin date: 1990-2012
Related URL's :
Catàlegs de cilindres de cera i de discos fins al 1900 a la MDC
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