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Sala, Antoni

(Barcelona, 1893 - Fittleworth (England), 1945)

Esbart Verdaguer

(Barcelona, 1945-1987)
Artistic and folk entity

Bachs, Jaume

(Barcelona, 1862-1909)
Opera singer best known as Angelo Angioletti

Borras, Ramon

(1937 - Barcelona, 2002)

Toldrà, Eduard

(Vilanova i la Geltrú, 1895 - Barcelona, 1962)
Composer, violinist and director

Miralles i Anglès, Hermenegildo

(Barcelona 1859-1931)
Enquadernador i litògraf

Matheu i Fornells, Francesc

(Barcelona, 1851 - Sant Antoni de Vilamajor, 1938) 
Publisher and writer. Roser Matheu's father

Zúñiga, Ángel

(Atarrabia, Navarra 1911 - Prat de Llobregat 1994)
Journalist and writer

Mir Joaquim

Joaquim Mir i Trinxet
(Barcelona, 1873-Vilanova i la Geltru, 1940)

Vives i Miret, Josep

(Barcelona, 1903-1966)
Writer and historian