Empúries was founded in 1984 by Xavier Folch i Recasens, a cultural activist; Miquel Horta, a businessman; Enric Folch, an editor; and Pere Portabella, a filmmaker. This publishing house was founded with the intention of sharing the most prominent Catalan and world literature by both celebrated and young authors. Its painstaking translations, meticulous editing, focus on high-quality works and works with a small audience, and its choice of a variety of genres are the strong points of this publishing house, which already has more than 1,000 titles.
+ informationIn November 2014, Edicions 62 agreed to deposit the collections from Edicions 62 and Editorial Empúries in the Biblioteca de Catalunya. This archive, which includes records of literary works, contains the originals (handwritten or typed, galley proofs, corrected proofs, etc.) of many of the works published.
Catalogue of publishers from the Bergnes de las Casas collection (Biblioteca de Catalunya)
More information and documentation on the works produced
Editorial Empúries. Catàleg general 1984-2004. Barcelona: Editorial Empúries, 2004.
Llanas, Manuel. L'Edició a Catalunya. Segle XX, els darrers trenta anys. Barcelona: Gremi d'Editors de Catalunya, 2007.
Empúries was founded in 1984 by Xavier Folch i Recasens, a cultural activist; Miquel Horta, a businessman; Enric Folch, an editor; and Pere Portabella, a filmmaker. This publishing house was founded with the intention of sharing the most prominent Catalan and world literature by both celebrated and young authors. Its painstaking translations, meticulous editing, focus on high-quality works and works with a small audience, and its choice of a variety of genres are the strong points of this publishing house, which already has more than 1,000 titles.
In 1996, it joined Grup62, and in 2007, when Editorial Planeta and Enciclopèdia Catalana became majority shareholders, Empúries was folded into Labutxaca, an imprint that published books by all the publishers in the book in pocket format.
Spanning all genres and themes, Empúries published the most popular authors both commercially and in terms of quality.
The books in its children’s and young reader literature collections are illustrated by prominent illustrators including Fina Rifà and Carme Solé Vendrell.
Empúries groups its output and the different genres it publishes into around 30 collections.
Advertising brochure of the La Poma Verda collection
Catalogue of Les Naus d'Empúries Catalogue of L'Odissea Catalogue of Trèvol
It publishes the magazine Límits and the first issue of Llengua & Literatura.
Fiction, poetry and essay are the most popular genres of this publishing house, which seeks to span commercial success and literary quality.