Publishing house created on 1926 under sponsorship of Francesc Cambó. It was oriented to the publication of works of humanistic character. The collections stand out was the Fundació Bernat Metge and Clàssics de tots els temps.
+ informationIn 2017 the Fundació Institut Cambó donated the archives of Editorial Alpha to the Biblioteca de Catalunya. Nowadays, the archives are in process of classification and description.
Franquesa, Montserrat. La Fundació Bernat Metge, una obra de país (1923-1938). Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2013. (Textos i estudis de cultura catalana; 181).
Llanas, Manuel. L'Edició a Catalunya. Segle XX (1939-1975). Barcelona: Gremi d'Editors de Catalunya, 2005.
Llanas, Manuel. L'Edició a Catalunya.Segle XX (fins a 1939). Barcelona: Gremi d'Editors de Catalunya, 2005.
Vidal i Jansà, Mercè. Teoria i crítica en el Noucentisme: Joaquim Folch i Torres. [Barcelona]: Abadia de Montserrat, 1991.
Publishing house created on 1926 under sponsorship of Francesc Cambó. It was oriented to the publication of works of humanistic character. The collections stand out was the Fundació Bernat Metge and Clàssics de tots els temps.
The Editorial Alpha was created and sponsored by Francesc Cambó. It was oriented to religious, literary, historical and artistic thematic. It was founded on 1926 with the aim of promoting two collections (Fundació Bíblica Catalana and Monumenta Cataloniae). It hosted later the editions of Fundació Bernat Metge, project initiated on 1922 also under Francesc’s Cambó sponsorship, and then created the Biblioteca Hebraico-Catalana, that only published three titles, or Clàssics de tots els temps, initiated on forties, among others.
In 1999 it was created the Institut Cambó with the aim to continue the cultural initiatives started by Francesc Cambó and from then he directs the activity of Editorial Alpha. Between the collections highlights the Fundació Bernat Metge, dedicated to the translation of the Greek and Latin classical authors to Catalan, with more than four hundred numbers published between the different series. One of the most collections of prestige, only interrupted between the 1939 and 1946, and recognised further of the Catalan territory.
The Editorial Alpha have the collaboration of the most eminent and reputed specialists such as Joaquim Balcells, Joan Estelrich, Josep Pijoan, Carles Riba, Josep Maria de Sagarra or Ferran Soldevila. It were published several collections, some of them, in spite of having a big literary quality and informative, don’t have much fortune. Instead the Fundació Bernat Metge and Clàssics de tots els temps have a long route of publications with big success.
Most of the authors and the works of the Editorial Alpha come from classical world, and in this regard the translators play a key role and extraordinarily relevant.
The Editorial Alpha was founded on 1926 with the aim of promoting two collections, the Fundació Bíblica Catalana and the Monumenta Cataloniae. Over time, three more collections were added, the Fundació Bernat Metge, the Biblioteca hebraico-catalana and Clàssics de tots els temps. The objective of these collections is to announce the art, the history, the literature and the religion of the Catalan territory.
The Editorial Alpha highlighted for his orientation to the religious, literary, historical and artistic thematic. Therefore, we wanted to highlight in each collection one work. The main ones works highlighted are basically translations, for them high literary value and philological.
Ibn Zabara, Joseph Ben Meir. Llibre d'ensenyaments delectables : Sèfer xaaixuïm / traducció amb introducció i notes d'Ignaci González-Llubera. Barcelona: Alpha, 1931.
Milton, John. El Paradís perdut / traducció i notes per Josep Maria Boix i Selva. Barcelona: Alpha, 1953.
Lucretius Carus, Titus. De la natura I / text i traducció de Joaquim Balcells. Barcelona: Editorial Catalana: Fundació Bernat Metge, 1923-1928.
Lagrange, Marie-Joseph. Sinopsi Evangèlica / Text grec de Marie-Joseph Lagrange, versió catalana i notes de Lluís Carreras i Josep Maria Llovera. Barcelona: Alpha, 1927.
Duran i Sanpere, Agustí. Els retaules de pedra dels segles XIV i XV (volum II). Barcelona: Alpha, 1932.