
of the Publishers and the Published of Catalonia

Barcelona, 1926-1933


(Updated 16/05/2024)

Mentora, a publishing house with close ties to Juventud and the publisher Josep Zendrera, was founded in 1926. Its initial mission was to publish popular Catalan-language books and magazines for both adults and children. It published Catalan authors and translations, primary of English and French writers. Even though its publications were meant for a popular audience, they were quite painstakingly presented and translated.

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Search collections

Editorial Juventud collection in the Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya (National Archive of Catalonia)

Catalogue of publishers and booksellers from the Bergnes de las Casas collection (Biblioteca de Catalunya)

Catalogue of publishers of Catalonia until 1939 (Biblioteca de Catalunya)

Mònica Baró. Les Edicions infantils i juvenils de l'Editorial Joventut (1923-1969). Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, 2006. (Tesi doctoral).

Llanas, Manuel. L'edició a Catalunya. Segle XX (fins a 1939). Barcelona: Gremi d'Editors de Catalunya, 2005.

Ugarte i Ballester, Xus. “Esbós de les traduccions d’editorial Mentora i Llegiu-me: la literatura de consum”. Quaderns: revista de traducció, 8 (2002), p. 41-49.