
of the Publishers and the Published of Catalonia

Pi i Sunyer, Carles, 1888-1971

(Updated 16/05/2024)

Carles Pi i Sunyer (Barcelona, 1888-Caracas, 1971). Industrial engineer, politician and writer. He studied at the School of Engineers. He was a professor and director of the School of Agriculture of the Province of Barcelona. Among other positions, he was Director General of Trade and Customs Policy of the Spanish Government, Minister of Labour and Social Welfare of the Government of the Second Republic, Mayor of Barcelona, Minister of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia and Minister of Government of the Generalitat in exile. He was exiled to France, London and finally Caracas where he was hired by the Ministry of Public Works, where he worked with the Venezuelan Commission of Industrial Standards.

His literary works include prose and verse, as well as writings on historical subjects, some of which were published posthumously. At the Floral Games in Montevideo in 1963, he won the title of Mestre en Gai Saber for poetry. Some of his works were: L’aptitud econòmica de Catalunya (1927-1929), El comerç de Catalunya amb Espanya (1959), El general Juan Robertson: un prócer de la independencia (1971) and Memòries de l’exili (1978-1979).  


Fundació Carles Pi i Sunyer d’Estudis Autonòmics i Locals (Carles Pi i Sunyer Foundation of Autonomous and Local Studies)