Barcelona, ca.1910-1966

Albert Martín

(Updated 16/05/2024)

This publishing house was founded by Albert Martín in the first decade of the 20th century. It was later run by his wife, Dolores Zamora, and their daughter, Dolors Martín Zamora.

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Albert Martín publishing house collection at the Biblioteca de Catalunya

Blanca Bonet Martín, the granddaughter of Albert Martín, donated 9,630 retouched photographs to the library distributed in 94 boxes, along with around 9,000 glass negatives, the majority of which correspond to the photographs printed on paper, and 150 stereoscopic views, also printed on paper. The photographs, which date from the early 20th century, are an extremely good way to learn about the history and customs of Spain, since they feature typically folkloric scenes in the different provinces, as well as monuments, objects and iconic locations.


The city of Girona in the early 20th century, photographs from the collections conserved at the Biblioteca de Catalunya. 

Biblioteca de Catalunya photography collection

More information and documentation on the works produced

Catalogue of publishers of Catalonia until 1939 (Biblioteca de Catalunya)