Lesfargues, Bernard, 1924-

(Updated 13/02/2025)

Bernard Lesfargues (Brageirac, Dordonya, 1924)  occitan writer

His poetry has played an important role in upgrading literary expression in Occitan. He is a member of the Institute of Occitan Studies, and  the Centre d'Agermanament Occitano-Català. He has translated into French Espriu, Rodoreda, Jesus Moncada, Jaume Cabré and Joan Sales. In 1975 he created the publishing Fédérop, one of the most important platforms for publishing editorials in Occitan.  

He was awarded the Creu de Sant Jordi in 1999, and Pompeu Fabra Price (2010).

Part of Bernard Lesfargues personal papers have been donated by the writer at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.


Personal Papers Bernard Lesfargues (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)