Montserrat Ginesta i Clavell (Seva, Osona, 1952 - ) Catalan drawer and illustrator. She studied at the School of Arts of Barcelona and continued at Escola Eina. She has specialized in children’s literature. Her work stands out by being very personal.
She is coworker in Peonza magazine and runs Tretzevents magazine since 2005. She has won many prizes, the one that has won more times is the Premi Crítica Serra d’Or de Literatura Infantil i Juvenil, five times, to be concrete.
Some of his works are: Bombolleta (1975), El llapis fantàstic (1986), Gargantua (1987), Valentina nas de nap (1988), Guia de gegants i d'altres éssers extraordinaris (1992) i Paraules entremaliades (2009).