Grupo Planeta is a publishing, audiovisual and communication group which originated from Editorial Planeta, founded in Barcelona in 1949.
+ informationGrupo Planeta is a publishing, audiovisual and communication group which originated from Editorial Planeta, founded in Barcelona in 1949.
The group is comprised of numerous publishing imprints, including Editorial Planeta, Ariel, Austral, Crítica, Deusto, Emecé, Espasa, Lunwerg, Paidós, Seix Barral, Timun Mas, etc. including the publishing houses of Grup 62 and Editis.
The different publishing houses sponsor numerous literary prizes, such as the Planeta Novel Prize, the Ramon Llull Prize for Catalan Letters, the Premio Biblioteca Breve, the Premi Nadal, and the Fernando Lara Novel Prize.