
of the Publishers and the Published of Catalonia

Barcelona, 1972-1998

Curial Edicions Catalanes

(Updated 16/05/2024)

Curial Edicions Catalanes was founded in 1972 by Max Cahner. Focused on the fields of Catalan history and culture, it published philological, literary and historical essays from the culture, as well as Catalan literary works and classics from world literature. Catalan-language reference works and geography and history books were some of the publishing house’s fortes, including the Diccionari Etimològic i Complementari de la Llengua catalana and the Onomasticon cataloniae by Joan Coromines; the Geografia comarcal de Catalunya and the Petit Curial enciclopèdic. Finally, Curial also published facsimile editions and magazines. 

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Curial Edicions Catalanes collection (ca. 1972-1995) in the Biblioteca de Catalunya

In the late 1990s, the administrative documentation and stocks of publications were deposited and conserved in the former school in the town of Navés. In 2006, in agreement with the mayor of this town, the Biblioteca de Catalunya retrieved the documentation.

More information and documentation on the works produced

More documentation at the Fundació Pere Coromines (Pere Coromines Foundation)

Curial Edicions Catalanes

Bohigas, Pere, “Curial, una empresa audaç”, Serra d’Or, 220 (gener 1978), p. 45-46. 

Bonada, Lluís, “Curial, bon treball d’infraestructura cultural”, Serra d’Or, 339 (gener 1988), p. 28-31.

Llanas, Manuel. L’edició de Catalunya: el segle XX (els darrers trenta anys). Barcelona: Gremi d’Editors de Catalunya, 2007.