
of the Publishers and the Published of Catalonia

Massot i Muntaner, Josep, 1941-

(Updated 16/05/2024)

Josep Massot i Muntaner (Palma, 1941 - ). Philologist, Benedictine monk, historian, catalan essayist. Since 1971 directs Publicacions of the Abadia of Montserrat conservative fund the work of  l’Obra del Cançoner Popular of Catalunya.

Besides, Massot i Muntaner he was Secretary of the International Association of Language and Literature and founded the magazine Randa. He has published over one hundred articles on medieval poetry, history, language, traditional poetry, medieval theater, literature about the Decline Reinaxença, some of whom gathered in Els mallorquins and native language (1972) .

Some of his works are La Guerra Civil a Mallorca (1976), Església i societat a la Mallorca del segle XX (1977), Cultura i vida a Mallorca entre la guerra i la postguerra (1930-1959) (1978), Els escriptors i la Guerra Civil a les Balears (1990), Els intel·lectuals mallorquins davant el franquisme (1992), El primer franquisme a Mallorca (1996).

Throughout his professional career he has received lots of awards and distinctions; Critics Prize Serra d'Or (1993), the Creu de Sant Jordi of the Generalitat of Catalonia (1996), the Award of Honour of Catalan Letters of Omnium Cultural (2012), et cetera.


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