
of the Publishers and the Published of Catalonia

Pedrolo, Manuel de, 1918-1990

(Updated 16/05/2024)

Manuel de Pedrolo i Sánchez de Molina (L’Aranyó, 1918-Barcelona, 1990). Writer and translator. His extensive literary work includes novels of various genres, plays, poetry, short stories, translations (from English and French) and journalistic pieces. He contributed to publications such as AvuiCanigóDiario de BarcelonaOriflama and Serra d'or. He worked in the publishers, Albor, and was editor at Edicions 62 where he curated La cua de palla, the first collection of crime novels in Catalan. The liberation of women and left-wing separatism of the Catalan Countries are two recurring themes in his writings. During the Franco regime, his texts were censored and banned.

His most famous work is Mecanoscrit del segon origen (1974). Other titles of his prolific work: Domicili provisional (1956), Homes i no (1957), Joc brut (1965), Totes les bèsties de càrrega (1967), Arreu on valguin les paraules, els homes (1975).

He received, among many others, the Joanot Martorell award (1954), the Prudenci Bertrana de novel·la award (1968), multiple Crítica Serra d'Or awards and the Premi d'Honor de les Lletres Catalanes (1979).


Who is who (Institució de les Lletres Catalanes)

Fundació Pedrolo (Pedrolo Foundation)

Manuel de Pedrolo Collection at the Regional Archive of Urgell

Manuel de Pedrolo Special Collection at the Manuel de Pedrolo Library in Sant Pere de Ribes