
of the Publishers and the Published of Catalonia

Casas, Lola, 1951-

(Updated 11/02/2025)

Lola Casas Peña (Mataró, 1951-). Writer and teacher of primary school.
She has been teaching for more than 40 years, her passion. In addition, she has dedicated much of her time writing for children, especially poems and stories. She has also taught several seminars, courses and conferences on topics such as film and  theater related literature.

Casas has written a hundred works, of which stand out:Tot Dahl (La Galera, 1999), Retalls poètics (Abadia de Montserrat, 2001), Des de la finestra (Baula, 2002),El Jersey, (La Galera, 2002), Em diuen Tano, (La Galera, 2003),  Poemes i cançons de les quatre estacions, (Abadia de Montserrat, 2003),Poemes de cada dia (2004),Miradas (Castellnou, 2012),Com ho acabes?, El Cep i la Nansa edicions, 2013),Les figuretes del Pessebre, (La Galera, 2013). 


Qui és qui (Institució de Lletres Catalanes)