
of the Publishers and the Published of Catalonia

Cabré, Jaume, 1947-

(Updated 16/05/2024)

Jaume Cabré Fabré (Barcelona, ​​1947). Catalan writer and screenwriter. He dedicated part of his life teaching and writing literary. He studied Catalan Philology at the University of Barcelona. He joined the Institute of Catalan Studies as a member in 2000. His work is considered one of the strongest in the twenty century. Among this most importants works are: Carn d’olla (1978), La teranyina (1984), La granja (guió) (1992), L’ombra del eunuc (1996), Viatge d’hivern (2000).

He has achieved numerous awards such as Premi Sant Jordi (1984), Premi Nacional de Literatura Catalana (1992), Crítica Serra d’Or de Novel·la (1997) or Premi de Narrativa Maria Àngels Anglada (2012).



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Catàleg de la Biblioteca de Catalunya