Books for entities. Service of delivery of BC’s duplicates.
The BC offers books duplicates to organizations without commercial purpose (libraries, schools, civic and social centres, nursing homes, ...)
Use conditions
- Requests will be processed in order of arrival.
- Organizations petitioners will carry out transport of documents.
An access code is needed to use this service
- Request of access code
- Check your requests
- If you have forgotten your access code or password you can request a reminder. You must enter the email address you reported when you applied for the code. We will send the access code, along with a new password. Please follow the instructions provided in order to activate the account again.
Complete list of titles available:
Sansom, C. J.. Invierno en Madrid. Barcelona: Ediciones B Grupo Zeta: 2007.
Sokal, Alan D.. Imposturas intelectuales. Barcelona: Paidós: 1999.
Serra, Joaquim. Líriques i amoroses Obra completa per a veu i piano. Barcelona: Clivis: 2007.
Clark, Mary Higgins. ¿Dónde están los niños?. Esplugues de Llobregat: Plaza & Janés: 1985.
Ribera, Eduard. Oficis específics. Alcoletge: Ribera & Rius: 1996.
Pons, Ponç. Desert encès. Barcelona: Edicions dels Quaderns Crema: 1989.
Rumbau, Octavi. Cuivré op. 20 : quintet de metall = brass quintet = quinteto de metal. Barcelona: Boileau: 2007.
Rumbau, Octavi. Cuivré op. 20 : quintet de metall = brass quintet = quinteto de metal. Barcelona: Boileau: 2007.
Rumbau, Octavi. Cuivré op. 20 : quintet de metall = brass quintet = quinteto de metal. Barcelona: Boileau: 2007.
Rumbau, Octavi. Cuivré op. 20 : quintet de metall = brass quintet = quinteto de metal. Barcelona: Boileau: 2007.