Digitization is a technique for transforming an analogical document (books, journal, photograph…) to digital format.
In many cases, heritage institutions are digitizing with the aim of making documents available at the Internet, to make them known, and to facilitate the access to information for users; but they are also digitizing to preserve the originals; when digital surrogates are available, the use of originals decreases.
The BC has some guidelines and recommendations that can be useful for other institutions as well.
The unit who takes care of it is the Digitization Unit. Email fnavarro@bnc.cat
Any type of document
Estàndards de digitalització: requeriments mínims. Barcelona : Biblioteca de Catalunya : Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya (CBUC) : Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes de Catalunya, 2013.
Sample of requirements to contract a digitization service out
Periodical publications. Technical information
ARCA. Política de col·lecció. Barcelona: Biblioteca de Catalunya, 2019
ARCA. Requeriments tècnics. Barcelona: Biblioteca de Catalunya, 2019