Barcelona, 1958-1971


(Updated 16/05/2024)

Editorial Estela was founded in 1958 under the influence of the French Catholicism that sprang from Vatican II. Its founders, Marià Vila d’Abadal, Ramon Muntanyola and Josep M. Pinyol, among others, wanted to disseminate works in line with progressive Christianity in order to reach a public that was asking for this kind of work. The editorial line went through several hands, including Joan Misser, Vicenç Nolla, Maria Martinell, Josep M. Pinyol, Alfonso Carlos Comín and Josep Verdura.

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The Editorial Estela collection joined the National Archive of Catalonia in 1999 through a donation. It is in the process of being described.

Catalogue of publishers and booksellers from the Bergnes de las Casas collection (Biblioteca de Catalunya)

Catalogue of publishers of Catalonia from 1940 to 1975 (Biblioteca de Catalunya)

More information and documentation on the works produced

Llanas, Manuel. L'Edició a Catalunya. Segle XX (1939-1975) Barcelona: Gremi d'Editors de Catalunya, 2006.

Martinell, Maria, “Aportació de l'Editorial Estela al moviment d'Espiritualitat Litúrgica” dins II Congrés Litúrgic de Montserrat. Barcelona: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 1967, p. 255-260.