Fundació Bernat Metge (1922-)

(Actualització 16/05/2024)

Collection of the Editorial Alpha dedicated to the catalan translation from the greek and latin classics, with a large track record and rigour, currently under the Fundació Institut Cambó.  Initially attached to the Association Guillaume Budé at the request from Joan Estelrich, for the prestige of the french association. Later, the Editorial Alpha was in charge of printing and trading the volumes until 1926, when Cambó created the Editorial Alpha and absorbed the collection. Between 1939 and 1946 it was interrupted.

It was published more than 400 volumes in the following series; Greek Literature series; Latin Literature series; Greek and Latin Philosophy series; Greek History series; Latin History series.

This collection it was awarded with the Creu de Sant Jordi at the 1984.


More information:

Web of the Institut Cambó (Col·lecció Bernat Metge)

Franquesa, Montserrat. La Fundació Bernat Metge, una obra de país (1923-1938). Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2013.  (Textos i estudis de cultura catalana; 181).