Sànchez-Juan, Sebastià, 1904-1974

(Updated 16/05/2024)

Sebastià Sànchez-Juan (Barcelona, 1904-1974). Poet and copy editor. Essentially self-taught, a student of Pompeu Fabra, he was considered one of the best editors of the time. Attracted by the avant-garde wave that arrived in Catalonia, in 1922 he published the Segon manifest català futurista and two years later he published Fluid, his first book of poems.

Eventually, he abandoned futuristic trends to focus on trends of the time. During the forties he published only in Spanish, returning to poetry in Catalan in the fifties.

In 1936 he won the Gold and Silver Viola at the Floral Games in Barcelona and in 1951 he won the Premi Ciutat de Barcelona for poetry.


Who is who (Institució de les Lletres Catalanes)

Sebastià Sànchez-Juan collection at the Autonomous University of Barcelona