Goytisolo, José Agustín, 1928-1999

(Updated 16/05/2024)

José Agustín Goytisolo Gay (Barcelona, 1928-1999). Catalan poet in Spanish language. Brother of also writers Juan and Luis.

His work characterises to treat the social realism, with the context of his period, the Spanish civil war, the post-war period and a kind of poetry that aspires to create a new humanism. He formed part of the Generation of ’50 with authors like Juan Marsé, Antonio Gamoneda, Gabriel Ferrater, among others.

Some of this works are: El retorno (1955), Salmos al viento (1958), Algo sucede (1968), Los pasos del cazador (1980), Palabras para Julia y otras canciones (1980), Como los trenes de la noche (1994), etc.

He won the Adonais prize (1954), the Prize Boscán for Salvemos al viento (1956) and in 1959 he won the Ausiàs March prize with Claridad. Also won the Prize of the Critical of poetry Spaniard and In 1983, he was awarded the Creu de Sant Jordi (Saint George's Cross) in 1985.



Personal papers in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona