Eiximenis, Francesc, 1327?-1409

(Updated 16/05/2024)

Francesc Eiximenis (Girona, 1327? - Perpignan 1409). Franciscan writer. He studied in the Franciscan schools and completed his education at the Universities of Oxford and Paris. He obtained the degree of Master of Theology from the University of Toulouse.

He wrote most of his work, in Latin and especially Catalan, in Valencia between 1384 and 1408, when Pope Benedict XIII awarded him the honorary title of Patriarch of Jerusalem and appointed him Bishop of Elna.

His work, which was widely translated and disseminated, enjoyed great success in his time. The principal aim of his texts, written in a clear and lively prose, was religious, philosophical and civic education for the masses.  

Lo crestià, the Vita ChristiLo libre de les dones and Libre dels angels are just some of more than two hundred manuscripts produced.  


Who is who (Institució de les Lletres Catalanes)

Francesc Eiximenis in the Biblioteca de Catalunya