Català, Víctor, 1869-1966

(Updated 11/02/2025)

Caterina Albert i Paradís (L’Escala, 1869-1966). Writer. Known as Victor Catalan, the pseudonym she used following the 1898 Floral Games in Olot after the jury was shocked to discover a woman had written the winning pieces. She contributed to various magazines such as JoventutIl·lustració catalana and L’Avenç which significantly boosted her career. She was known as a novelist but she also wrote poetry and theatrical monologues. The figure of the woman, particularly her marginalisation, and the countryside were recurring themes in her work.

Together with Drames rurals and Caires viu, the novel, Solitud, rooted in Catalan modernism and considered her masterpiece, made her a renowned storyteller. Her other artistic vocations included drawing, painting and sculpture, although she never practised these professionally.


Who is who (Institució de les Lletres Catalanes)

Exhibition Caterina Albert "la retirada no és cobardia"

Private papers acquired by the Ajuntament de l'Escala