Explore BC
It allows you to search almost all the information resources simultaneously:
- Physical collections: books, magazines, manuscripts, scores, audiovisuals, maps, etc.
- Electronic resources: books and magazines, articles and databases.
Other catalogues
Although most of the BC collections can be found at Explore BC, there are a number of materials that have specialized catalogs; some are accessible online and others are printed.
Index search Index search for old and modern documents: books, magazines, scores, manuscripts, videos, music, posters, maps, photographs, CDs, electronic resources, digitized documents, etc.
Historical archive of Ràdio Barcelona Open reels yielded in 1994 by Ràdio Barcelona. Wide set of programs and recordings that make up an interesting sample of parliaments, interviews and historical moments emitted through the first radio station in Spain.
Collections of BC's Historical Archive Database containing about 28,300 records of the documentary archives of the Historical Archive of the BC (s. IX - XX). It includes more than 18,600 parchments as well as other documentation such as bundles or loose units on paper from various provenances and heritage character.
Historical archive of the Hospital de la Santa Creu Database that unifies descriptions of the documentation of the old Hospital de la Santa Creu, divided between the Archive of the Biblioteca de Catalunya (BC) and the Historic Archive of the Hospital de Sant Pau (AHSCSP).
Catalan bibliography Catalogue of documents published in Catalonia or in the Catalan language.
List of Databases List of digital resources of free access and subscribed by the BC (databases, catalogs, portals, etc.).
CCUC Collective Catalog of the Universities of Catalonia. It allows CSUC members to apply for free loan of books.
CCPBC Union Catalogue of Bibliographic Heritage of Catalonia
Digitized Catalan press Cooperative platform of digitized Catalan newspapers and magazines that describes and links around 2,000 headers. Facilitates access to digitized Catalan press from a single portal, which institutions can update online. Acts as an instrument to support the planning of own digitizations and preservation of originals on paper, as it also includes those that are in the process of publishing.
Contact BC for more advice.