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Newspapers Unit

Newspapers Unit

Tasks and functions

It manages periodical publications (newspapers, journals, weeklies ...) that enter the BC by donation, exchange, purchase or legal deposit. It catalogues them and contributes to their acquisition, conservation, preservation and digitization. Since 2009 it also manages the assignment of the ISSN at Catalonia.


It is the result of bring together the Newspapers Archive, created in 1981, that by the law of libraries of 1993 was integrated to the Biblioteca de Catalunya, and the former section of newspapers of the Biblioteca de Catalunya itself.


It gathers most of cultural and political serials of Catalonia until 1945. Among them should be mentioned some titles such as La Llumanera de Nova York (directed to the Catalan community that lived at the United States in the 19th century), Pèl&Ploma (reflection of the Modern Style in Barcelona), Arte Joven (directed and illustrated by Picasso), L'Amic de les Arts (sample representative of the European vanguards) or D'Ací i d'Allà (innovative magazine in its orientation and press coverage).

It also comprises a good collection of comics such as El Capitán Trueno and newspapers collections as the Diari de Barcelona, La Gazeta de Barcelona, Lo Pare Arcàngel, Diari Català, La Veu de Catalunya, La Publicitat, La Vanguardia (from the beginning, in 1881), as well as newspapers issued in Catalonia nowadays.

Pepa Bagaria


+34 93 270 23 00 (ext.84013269)

Pepa Bagaria