
of the Publishers and the Published of Catalonia

Barcelona, 1942-1962


(Updated 16/05/2024)

In 1942, Jaume Aymà i Ayala and Jaume Aymà Mayol, father and son, respectively, founded Ediciones Aymá, a name that would undergo several changes over the years. The imprint published translated works of fiction – obligatorily only in Spanish – by renowned authors (Rainer Maria Rilke, Pearl S. Buck, G. K. Chesterton, etc.) as well as a large number of works by Georges Simenon. In those early years, the publication of Margaret Mitchell’s Lo que el viento se llevó (Gone with the Wind) was a resounding success, as thousands of copies were sold out within days. They also created several collections with the city of Barcelona as the main theme.

In the 1940s as well, in addition to being a publishing house, Aymà also issued some underground books in Catalan, alternating the printer’s mark (L’aperitiu by Josep M. de Sagarra appears as having falsely been published before the Civil War and printed in Perpignan). The imprint was able to launch the Col·lecció Literària Aymà with works in Catalan in 1946, albeit with many restrictions.

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