
Tasks and functions

It catalogs and organizes the papers and manuscripts. It takes part in auctions and contributes to the acquisition of documents by purchase and donation.

Who works in Manuscripts


Section created in 1995 by the Decree 300/1995 of the structure of the Biblioteca de Catalunya. It is heiress of the old section of Manuscripts created in 1917. It is part of Bibliographic Unit.


It comprises from medieval manuscripts to papers of 20th century. Includes parchments, autographs, aristocratic collections, commercial and institutional collections and a large number of personal papers by eminent of literary, scientific, artistic and political world.

Are part of the collection, texts so emblematic as the Homilies d'Organyà (s. XIII), the Llibre de l'orde de cavalleria, by Ramon Llull, songbooks of Catalonia and the Provence from 14th and 15th centuries, the Crònica, by Desclot, the Viatges, by the Baron of Maldà (s. XVIII), the Oda a la Pàtria, by Bonaventura C. Aribau (1833), L'Atlàntida and other originals by Jacint Verdaguer,and a large number of manuscripts by the main Catalan authors from 20th century, such as Eugeni d'Ors, Carles Riba, Josep M. de Sagarra or Josep Pla, among other.

Contact details:

Anna M. Gudayol Torelló

Anna M. Gudayol Torelló


+34 93 270 23 00 (ext. 84013184)

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