Books for entities. Service of delivery of BC’s duplicates.

The BC offers books duplicates to organizations without commercial purpose (libraries, schools, civic and social centres, nursing homes, ...)

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  • Requests will be processed in order of arrival.
  • Organizations petitioners will carry out transport of documents.

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Complete list of titles available:

Pérez de Ayala, Ramón. Escritos políticos. Madrid: Alianza: 1967. spa.

Macià, Carles. La Nostra terra de cada dia. Barcelona: Selecta: 1964. cat.

Bofill i Ferro, Jaume. Poetes catalans moderns. Barcelona: Columna: 1986. cat.

Pons, Josep Sebastià. Antologia poètica. Barcelona: Proa: 1986. cat.

Gay de Montellà, R.. La Cerdanya. Barcelona: Selecta: 1964. cat.

Lubac, Henri de. La Pregària de Teilhard de Chardin. Barcelona: Estela: 1965. cat.

St. Andrews studies in philosophy and public affairs. Profit, prudence and virtue essays in ethics, business and management. USA: Imprint Academic: 2009. eng.

Frontiers of globalization. Kinship and family structures in Africa. New Jersey: Africa World Press: 2011. eng.

Informe mensual Caixa. Núm. 398 (febrer 2016). Barcelona: l'entitat: 2016. cat.

Matrimonio y bien común : los diez principios de Princeton. Barcelona: Social Trends Institute: 2007. spa.