Books for entities. Service of delivery of BC’s duplicates.

The BC offers books duplicates to organizations without commercial purpose (libraries, schools, civic and social centres, nursing homes, ...)

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  • Requests will be processed in order of arrival.
  • Organizations petitioners will carry out transport of documents.

An access code is needed to use this service

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  • If you have forgotten your access code or password you can request a reminder. You must enter the email address you reported when you applied for the code. We will send the access code, along with a new password. Please  follow the instructions provided in order to activate the account again.

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Complete list of titles available:

Sciascia, Leonardo. El Caso Aldo Moro. Barcelona: Destino: 1996. spa.

Hrabal, Bohumil. Qui sóc jo. Barcelona: Destino: 1992. cat.

Hrabal, Bohumil. Jo he servit el rei d'Anglaterra. [Barcelona: Destino: 1989. cat.

Hrabal, Bohumil. Personatges en un paisatge d'infància. Barcelona: Destino: 1991. cat.

Palahniuk, Chuck. Monstruos invisibles. Barcelona: Debolsillo: 2009. spa.

Neville, Katherine. El Ocho. Barcelona: Ediciones B: 1994. spa.

Solsona, Ramon. Les Hores detingudes. Barcelona: Quaderns Crema: 1993. cat.

Kundera, Milan. La Insostenible lleugeresa del ser. [Barcelona: Destino]: 1988. cat.

Kundera, Milan. La Lentitud. Barcelona: Destino: 1995. cat.

Kundera, Milan. Els Testaments traïts. Barcelona: Destino: 1994. cat.