
of the Publishers and the Published of Catalonia

Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente, 1867-1928

(Updated 16/05/2024)

Vicente Blasco Ibáñez (Valencia, 1867- Provença, 1928) Politician, journalist and writer from Valencia. He was very involved in republican and federal politics. His work has a romantic aesthetics and its subject is more historical. At first he wrote in Catalan until 1887 when he writes much of his work in Spanish.

Some of his most known works are:  La torre de la Boatella, (1883), Lo darrer esforç (1883), Fatimah (1884), Fantasías, leyendas y tradiciones (1887), Los enemigos de la mujer (1919), El paraíso de las mujeres (1922), A los pies de Venus (1926).


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Enciclopèdia catalana

Casa Museo Blasco Ibáñez