
of the Publishers and the Published of Catalonia

Agustí, Ignasi, 1913-1974

(Updated 16/05/2024)

Ignasi Agustí i Peypoch (Lliçà del Vall, 1913 - Barcelona, 1974). Novelist, journalist, poet and publisher at Destino and Argos. During the thirties he began as a writer of Catalan poetry, theatre and fiction. In 1937 he worked with Josep Vergés in founding the magazine, Destino. After the war he resumed writing, now in Spanish, publishing his work, Mariona Rebull (1943), which is part of the collection of novels in the series, La ceniza fue árbol, and tells the story of a bourgeois family in Barcelona from the end of the nineteenth century up until the Spanish Civil War. He was Director of the publishers Destino and Argos, and the Barcelona newspaper Tele / express and he chaired the Ateneu Barcelonès between 1962 and 1971.

The Biblioteca de Catalunya holds his personal papers, which contain personal handwritten and typewritten documents, photographs, awards, sound and audiovisual recordings and printed books.


Ignasi Agustí Collection in the Biblioteca de Catalunya

Catalogues of publishers and booksellers in the Bergnes de las Casas collection (Biblioteca de Catalunya)

Catalogues of publishers in Catalonia from 1940 to 1975 (Biblioteca de Catalunya)

"Ignasi Agustí i la ciutat convulsa" exhibition in the Biblioteca de Catalunya