Saura Martí, Joan
(Molins de Rei, 1954-2012)
Composer and samplerist
Partitures manuscrites, majoritàriament hològrafes, reprografiades o bé impreses d'ordinador de Joan Saura Martí i, algunes, de tercers. Documentació personal i professional, textos, programes, premsa, correspondència de Joan Saura i de tercers; cartells, dibuixos i fotografies de Joan Saura i Koniec
Acces: Room reservation
Scope: 1908-2012
Origin: Donatiu dels germans Saura Martí
Origin date: 2013
Set of sound and audiovisual, commercial and inedited documentation that Joan Saura collected over the years as musician. It includes both its own pieces and those made with the groups that he formed part. It includes also the collaborative work with other musicians, dance companies or various productions, as well as the production of incidental music for television and advertising.
Acces: Room reservation
Scope: S. XX
Origin: Donation of the Saura Martí brothers
Origin date: 2013
Related URL's :
Obres de Joan Saura al catàleg de la BC
Obres sobre Joan Saura al catàleg de la BC
Joan Saura Martí, samplers, música improvisada i experimental (exposició a la BC)
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